This semester I returned to school with a big difference in strategy. I chose to transfer from MCC to FLCC, and so far I am greatly enjoying it. While this move sets me back by a few credits, it also allows me a bit more lee-way if one of the kids gets sick; and a bonus I found out about later was that there is no parking permit to pay for. That might mean a long walk from the car, but given that I am not a "city" person the traffic and attitudes of the people there are a great fit for me.
This first semester at FLCC finds me taking 12 credit hours, which include an "intro" course to the CSC program, which is very much similar to a course I took at MCC which did not transfer. Also on my schedule is another introduction style course (We're learning Java there), American History which may have been easier if taken on Campus rather than online, but it's not terrible; And the last of the 12 is Bowling, which as a PE credit makes itself worthwhile because I will need four of those.
I have been trying to better organize my circles on Google Plus, but that could become very time consuming considering how many people I have circled! Yes, I have much to learn; but I've done a lot in my life so far, and learning is one of my favorite things to do!
Tomorrow I will be finishing an assignment on navigating Windows; which shouldn't take long now that I understand what McLaughlin is looking for on it. I already finished the ascii "faceprinter" assignment. I need to make some posts in History and Pre-calculus before Tuesday also.
Well, I'm off to get the kids ready to start their school week as well as mine; Have a happy Monday.