I was looking for a better note taking app for my Note 2, since S Note really wasn't going to help me in a pinch if I actually needed to take notes with it in class. I came across two (so far) that seemed to meet my needs, and after playing with both of them for a few minutes, I realized that I really should compare a few different ones, and share what I find... Since I only just decided to do this in the last 5 minutes or so; it might take some time before I post the results.
I am more than happy to take suggestions for any free or trial versions for this little project, so if you have suggestions let me know. So that there is no confusion, I want to make my basic wishlist for a note taking application clear ahead of time;
- I should not have to install multiple apps to make it work
- The learning curve should be minimal for use
- S-pen compatibility
- Multiple notebooks (to keep class notes seperate)
- File types (what are my export options)
- Efficiency (will I be able to keep up with a professor's lecture)
- Extra stuff
The two I've started with are Handrite Free and LectureNotes (Trial Version); so let me know if there is another one I should take a look at and I'll check 'em out!
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